Thursday, November 21, 2019

How to Clean Clogged Drains

If drain cleaning is not carried out regularly, the drain can get clogged due to the debris and dirt that accumulates in the pipe. The water can no longer flow down the drain and it collects in the sink or the tub to which the drain is attached.

A clogged drain can cause a lot of inconvenience like sudden accumulation of water in your bathroom in the middle of a bath. Clogging of drains also leads to emission of gases that can be harmful for you and your family. Here are some simple tips that you can follow to prevent blockages and clear clogged drains.

The first thing that you should do in case of blockage of a drain is to use a plunger. A plunger removes the debris that is blocking the flow of water and clogging the drain by creating a vacuum using its rubber head. It is effective in cases where some minor, free flowing debris is blocking the drain.

Sometimes, the plunger might not be sufficient to unclog the drain, as there might be debris in the drain that the plunger cannot reach or for which the plunger is not powerful enough. In these cases, you can use chemical products that are widely available in the market. You can pour the chemical down the drain and it will dissolve the debris that is clogging the drain. This technique works well in cases where the dirt or debris is stuck to the walls of the drain and cannot be removed by water pressure or vacuum. But you should be careful while using these products as they can cause serious harm to you if they come in contact with your skin or eyes. You should keep them away from food, children and your own body.

If this technique also fails to unclog the drain then you need professional help to resolve the problem. Professional plumbers can use various sophisticated techniques for unclogging and cleaning the drain.

One of the common methods used by plumbers for drain cleaning is roto-rooting. In this technique, blades are used to cut the debris that is blocking the pipe into many smaller pieces that can be washed away with water. Another highly effective method of clearing the drain is to use water pressure to dislodge the blockage. Plumbers can use water jetters, which create very high water pressure through a nozzle to cut through the debris.

No matter how serious the clog in the drain is, professional drain cleaning will always have an effective solution. But prevention is always better than cure. By following some simple precautions, you will be saved all the inconvenience.

You should not allow any big particles to be washed down the drain. Things like peels of vegetables, hair and other objects can easily block the drain. It is very important to use a drain cover so that nothing large can go down the drain. You should also clean the cover regularly to remove hair and dirt that gets accumulated on it.

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